Rebecca is a lawyer and a mediator. She started her career as a judicial clerk in family matters at the judiciary. She has been active in the legal profession for more than thirteen years and is a member of the vFAS (Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators), MfN (Netherlands Federation for Mediators) and foundation for legacy mediation. Rebecca was a member of the Board of Representatives of the Netherlands Bar Association [Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten] and the Family and Youth Law Advisory Committee of the Netherlands Bar Association.

Rebecca specialises in the law of persons, family law and inheritance law. She is the chairperson of this practice group at Van Veen Advocaten and she is also a confidential advisor at the firm. On a day-to-day basis, Rebecca supports her client in hard times. In her practice, she mainly focuses on divorces, the termination of cohabitations, family disputes such as maintenance, visiting rights and custody or inheritance law issues. She also offers advice on drafting prenuptial agreements or wills. Rebecca works for both private individuals and business owners.

During mediation, Rebecca will guide both of you to make mutual arrangements about ending a relationship or a marriage or settling an estate. Mediation is possible only if everyone involved is amenable to it. If mediation does not offer a solution, Rebecca can assist you unilaterally as a lawyer and start court proceedings, if necessary.

Rebecca has a resolute and transparent approach. What you see is what you get. She will not play you up but she does have a radar for the social aspects and will create space for emotions. As a mediator, she can truly lead a discussion and intervene when it’s necessary. Rebecca is described as a highly professional and expert lawyer.


Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators [Vereniging van Familierecht Advocaten Scheidingsmediators (vFAS)]
Netherlands Federation for Mediators [Mediatorsfederatie Nederland (MfN, formerly known as MNI)]
Foundation for legacy mediation



She used to be a fanatic horse rider but these days she likes to play tennis
Skiing and snowboarding